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The Youth Housing Demonstration Program (YHDP) is dedicated to successfully reintegrating the youth back into the community. The goal is to focus on trauma-informed services & support that build safety, and interpersonal/independent living skills that will help our youth obtain & remain in permanent housing. YHDP will provide access to appropriate health services to improve the quality of life, and also connect participants with educational opportunities to increase their employment & income. 



Community Homeless Solutions Youth Housing Demonstration Program will provide up to 24 months of transitional housing & up to 12 months of follow-up services after the participant leaves transitional housing. Services are offered throughout Monterey County.


       Services Include:

  • Case Management

  • Housing Navigator

  • Crisis Intervention

  • Advocacy

  • Referral & linkage to additional service groups

  • Educational & therapeutic groups

  • Financial Education

  • Transportation

  • Childcare

  • Discharge planning & follow up

  • Vocational & educational assistance


Participants contribute 30%  of their income towards rent. Rapid rehousing dollars may be available to participate upon exit to assist in obtaining permanent sopportive housing.


Must be 18-24 years of age. Referrals must be provided through the C.A.R.S active housing list.

Donations from the Community will help our participants start their path to a new life & help our non-profit organization by cutting costs for frequently needed items. Your contribution matters.


       Frequently Needed Items:

  • Pillows

  • Twin Sheets

  • Blankets

  • Kitchen Utensils

  • Board Games

  • Socks

  • Clothing

  • Backpacks

  • Undergarments

  • Bus Passes


"This program has helped me in many ways, such as giving me resources for school, housing, food & jobs. When I was first introduced to this program I was very scared & had second thoughts. Without the words of encouragement of Ms.Priscilla I wouldn't of been here. Recently, I've lost two of my family members, & one of the things that have helped me through this is that everyone in this program have been extremely understanding. One of the first things I had mentioned before coming here was going back to school. They introduced me to many schools, one of which I recently applied to. Moving here was scary for me because I was alone, but being here now & being surrounded by people who just want me to succeed has brought comfort & confidence in me. I know that I can always ask for help because they have made me feel that way. I want to make everyone that works in this program proud of me. I am extremely thankful that this opportunity was presented to me."

— YHDP Participant

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