HRC is a year-round homeless shelter serving up to 50 adults each night. The shelter is located in San Benito. Guests receive a variety of supportive services that include case management, alcohol/drug counseling and treatment services, referral services, assistance with applying for social service benefits, and housing navigation assistance to continue to move our sheltered guests toward permanent housing.
The H.O.M.E. Resource Center opened its doors on December 1, 2017. HRC is a year-round homeless shelter serving up to 50 adults each night. The shelter is located in San Benito. Operating hours are from 5pm. to 8am. seven days a week. The shelter has two large dorm rooms to house men and women separately. Guests are provided three meals daily in collaboration with local churches & community groups. Guests are provided a locker while participating in the program to store their personal items. Guests can access the restrooms, showers, hygiene products & laundry facility on site. HRC has a dedicated team who focuses on outreach services in the San Benito area in hopes of connecting the homeless with support services.
Case Management
Housing Navigation
Financial Planning and Budgeting Assistance
Mental Health and Behavioral Services
Employment Development
Daily Meals
Referral & Linkage to Additional Services
Must be 18+
Able to live in a group setting & follow shelter guidelines & rules
Independent in all daily activities
Your support will have a huge impact on our HRC residents and will help our non-profit organization by cutting costs for frequently needed items.
Frequently Needed Items:
Twin Size Sheets
Hygiene Products soap/deodorant/shampoo/conditioner/lotion/etc.
Pots and Pans
San Benito Area
"It is essential to build strong relationships and understand the individuals circumstances & needs. Many people may have barriers that prevent them from accessing services. It is important to get out there & link them with the resources they need to move off the streets."
"The Home Resource Center has helped me with a place to sleep, shower, meals and staff support. If not for the shelter, I would be sleeping in my car out on the streets. We have a computer to use to look for work and a place to live. Community Homeless Solutions helped me get a job through the Community Beautification Project and now I am an on call staff at the shelter. I look back at what I didn’t have and what I have now, and realize I am employed, saving money for a place to live and a better relationship with my family. Thank you"
— HRC Participant